Sam´s corner

9th time´s a charm, time to launch a website

20 May 2024

Look mom, I´m on the Internet!

It´s about time this page gets launched. It´s been in the back of my head for a long time. Ever since I started watching this slightly alt-right feeling guy Luke Smith, I knew I needed my own website.

It became even more apparent when I, as I often do when my mental health is good, was rambling about something that I had researched to my girlfriend. After maybe half an hour of elaborate comparisons of motorcycle engine layouts, or the virtues of different sailboat rig types, or some other nonsense occupying 95% of my cognitive abilities, she turned to me(probably in despair), and said:

“Maybe you should have a blog or something where you can write all this down…”

That was is, the final push I needed to begin working on this website.

As of writing, and probably for the foreseeable future, this website is a bit rough looking. That is because starting a project is easy, especially with Hugo, where all it takes is to type in “hugo new site” into your terminal and a skeleton website is created. But for this website project, actually seeing it through required learning some HTML and CSS, which was more than my patience allowed the first 8 or so times I typed that command in and created a new git repository. 8 failed attempts at making this.

But here we are, on the 9th try, and something actually made it to the internet. It might be rough, a bit unfinished, forever under construction, but at least it hit the world wide web.

Look mom, I made something!

I´m not even sure if I´m supposed to be proud or ashamed…

Anyways, welcome to the site, more content is coming.